Vertical Space Between Sections

There really isn't much call for the <P> construct. I hardly ever use it. I use the single-pixel gif. Between sections, I'll put an appropriate amount of space. Look at my pages and you'll see what I mean by appropriate. I'll put more space before a larger heading than before a sub-head. The main thing is to set up a hierarchy and make sure it's consistent. Each "level" in the hierarchy should be visually distinct from its neighbors.
Adjust and test. I use 10 pixels of white space before a heading here, which is a bit more than a "blank line," because I tried 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 pixels, and 10 was the most pleasing to me.
If you want to space vertically like this, please take a minute to read the source of this document. Notice how vertical spacing commands (using dot_clear) begin and end with <BR>, so that I can keep the writing to itself. I try hard to make my HTML readable, so I can write and keep my train of thought without having to worry too much about the HTML instructions.
One of the great things about hypertext is that major sections can be broken up into separate pages, so you don't see much on my pages beyond what I consider readable in one sitting.
Careful vertical spacing is especially useful in the design of forms, which are too often just scattered white boxes with no grouping or hierarchy to help the user through the process.