//! ################################################################ //! This file contains both original and merged/adapted code. //! Except where indicated, all code is //! Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Amazon.com, Inc., and its Affiliates. //! All Rights Reserved. //! Not to be reused without permission //! ################################################################ // JSF Bootstrap goN2Consts = { chEOL: String.fromCharCode(0x0A), chSQUOTE: String.fromCharCode(0x27), chDQUOTE: String.fromCharCode(0x22), chBACKSLASH: String.fromCharCode(0x5C), chYEN: String.fromCharCode(0xA5) }; //! ======= JSF Bootstrap (1) ======= // $Revision: #2 $ var gbN2Loaded = N2Loaded = false; var n2LMStart = new Date(); var gaN2JSLibs = []; var gaN2JSLibPaths = []; var gaN2JSLibIds = []; var gaN2CSSLibs = []; var gaN2CSSLibPaths = []; var n2sRTW1='onload'; var n2sRTWTBS='simplepopoverloaded'; var goN2Initializer = { aHandlers: [], aEventsRun: [], bCoreLoaded: false, runThisWhen: function (sWhen, fFn, sComment) { if ( (typeof fFn != 'function') || fFn == null) return false; sWhen = sWhen.toLowerCase(); this.aHandlers[this.aHandlers.length] = { sWhen: sWhen, fFn: fFn, sComment: sComment }; return true }, run: function() {}, isReady: function() {return false;} }; goN2Initializer.initializeThis = goN2Initializer.runThisWhen; function n2RunThisWhen(sWhen, fFn, sComment) { goN2Initializer.runThisWhen(sWhen, fFn, sComment); } function n2RunIfLoaded(sLibID, fFn, sComment) { goN2Initializer.runThisWhen(sLibID+'loaded', fFn, 'sequenced init of '+ sComment); } var goN2LibMon = { aLibs: {}, nMONITORLOAD: -1, monitorLoad: function (sLibID) { this.aLibs[sLibID] = { sID: sLibID, nDuration: this.nMONITORLOAD }; }, stats: function() {} }; //! ======= JSF Bootstrap (2) ======= gsN2ImageHost='http://z-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/'; var goJSFStringTableProperties = new Object(); var goJSFImageURLProperties = new Object(); goJSFStringTableProperties['loading_13548'] = 'Loading...'; goJSFStringTableProperties['no_addl_info_36017'] = 'No additional information is available at this time'; goJSFStringTableProperties['alt_text_click_to_expand_36018'] = 'click to expand this section and see more'; goJSFStringTableProperties['alt_text_click_to_collapse_36019'] = 'click to collapse this section and see less'; goJSFStringTableProperties['you_will_go_to_new_page_36022'] = '(You will go to a new page)'; goJSFStringTableProperties['you_will_stay_here_36023'] = '(You will stay right here)'; goJSFStringTableProperties['unable_to_get_info_36020'] = 'Unable to obtain necessary information. 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