in the process of setting up a test machine with Windows XP Pro patched
to SP3 so I can examine the problem in detail. I have a few
things I'd like to try which may provide a workaround similar to the one for Vista.
With the holidays, I'm running a bit behind. Standby!
Update: Okay, I poked around with Windows XP SP3. Surprisingly, an old fix from the days of Windows NT did the trick:
1) Create a system restore point, do a backup, cross your fingers, yada yada yada.
2) Run Registry Editor (Start, Run, regedit, click okay).
3) Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters
4) Right click in the rightmost pane, select NEW, DWORD value.
Name it SmbDeviceEnabled (Case sensitive: The S,D, and E are
capitalized. Everything else is lower case. No spaces in
6) It should default to a value of 0x00000000 (0). If for some reason it doesn't, set it to 0.
7) Reboot.
8) Bind port 445 with your tunneling application (again, I use putty.)
9) Browse your remote shares like you used to do before Windows XP SP3.
10) Celebrate: We just found a way around the Port forwarding 445 for SMB and SSH problem!