Unimelb Enterprise Bargaining Agreement

The University of Melbourne (UniMelb) recently finalized their enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA) with the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU). This agreement covers over 12,000 academic and professional staff at the university and will be in effect until 2023.

What is an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement?

An enterprise bargaining agreement is a negotiated agreement between an employer and their employees, typically through a union. It outlines the terms and conditions of employment, such as wages, benefits, and working conditions. EBAs are legally binding and enforceable, and they must meet certain standards set by the Fair Work Commission.

UniMelb EBA Highlights

Under the new EBA, UniMelb employees will see several improvements to their working conditions, including:

– A 2% annual pay increase for the next three years.

– A 17% increase in superannuation contributions, bringing the total to 17%.

– A new provision for up to 20 days of paid family violence leave.

– Improved job security for casual and fixed-term staff through the conversion to ongoing employment after a certain period of time.

– A reduction in workload for some professional staff members.

The EBA negotiations were particularly significant because they came after a year of uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The university faced significant financial challenges and staff were concerned about potential job losses and reductions in benefits. However, the final agreement was reached through collaborative bargaining between UniMelb and the NTEU, resulting in a fair outcome for both parties.

Implications for Other Universities

The UniMelb EBA sets a precedent for other universities and academic institutions across Australia. It demonstrates the importance of open communication and collaboration between employers and employees to reach fair and equitable agreements. With the ongoing effects of the pandemic, universities must prioritize the wellbeing and job security of their staff while remaining financially sustainable.

In summary, the UniMelb EBA is a positive development for both staff and the university. It shows the value of effective negotiation and the potential for successful outcomes even in challenging times. As universities and other employers continue to navigate the ongoing impacts of the pandemic, they should look to the UniMelb EBA as an example of best practices in employment negotiations.

Contract Case Laws India

Contract Case Laws India: A Comprehensive Overview

In India, contract law is governed by the Indian Contract Act, 1872. This act sets out the legal framework for the formation and enforcement of contracts. Over the years, numerous case laws have been developed by the Indian courts that provide essential guidance on contract law. In this article, we will discuss some of the significant contract case laws in India.

Elements of a Contract

Every contract must have the following essential elements:

● Offer: It is a proposal made by one party to the other, expressing its willingness to enter into a contract.

● Acceptance: It is the expression of consent to the terms of the offer.

● Consideration: It refers to something of value offered by one party to the other in exchange for the promise.

● Intention to Create Legal Relations: Both parties must have an intention to create legal relations to make the contract enforceable.

Some of the significant cases involving the elements of a contract are:

1. Balfour v Balfour (1919): In this case, the husband promised to pay his wife an allowance of £30 per month when he was away in Ceylon. The couple eventually separated, and the wife sued for the allowance. The court held that the promise was not legally enforceable as it lacked the intention to create legal relations.

2. Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. (1893): In this case, the company advertised a product that could prevent influenza and offered a reward of £100 to anyone who still contracted influenza after using the product according to the instructions. The plaintiff used the product and later contracted influenza. The court held that the advertisement constituted an offer, and the use of the product amounted to acceptance of the offer. Thus, the plaintiff was entitled to the reward.

Capacity to Contract

To enter into a contract, parties must have the necessary capacity to do so. Persons who are minors, of unsound mind, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs lack the capacity to enter into a contract.

1. Mohori Bibee v Dharmodas Ghose (1903): In this case, a minor mortgaged his property to a moneylender. The court held that the mortgage was void as the minor lacked the capacity to enter into a contract.

2. Jagdish Chandra v Ramesh Chandra (1992): In this case, a person under the influence of alcohol signed a contract to sell his property. The court held that the contract was void as the person lacked the capacity to enter into a contract.

Performance and Breach of Contract

Once a contract is formed, parties must fulfill their obligations under the contract. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of contract.

1. Hadley v Baxendale (1854): In this case, the plaintiffs operated a mill, and the defendant was hired to transport a broken mill shaft to a manufacturer to create a replacement shaft. The defendant delayed in delivering the shaft, causing the plaintiffs to suffer losses. The court held that the defendant could only be held liable for losses that could have been foreseen at the time the contract was formed.

2. M/s Alopi Parshad & Sons v Union of India (1960): In this case, the plaintiff was awarded a contract to supply certain goods to the government. The government later canceled the contract, leading to losses for the plaintiff. The court held that the cancellation was illegal, and the plaintiff was entitled to compensation.


Contract law is an essential aspect of commercial transactions in India. The case laws developed over the years provide valuable guidance on the formation and enforcement of contracts. Parties must adhere to the essential elements of a contract, have the necessary capacity to enter into a contract, and fulfill their obligations under the contract to avoid breach of contract. Understanding these case laws can help prevent disputes and ensure the smooth functioning of commercial transactions.

Sample Service Level Agreement for Saas

Sample Service Level Agreement for SaaS: An Overview

As SaaS (Software as a Service) continues to grow, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to have a solid Service Level Agreement (SLA) in place to ensure that they are getting the service they need from their SaaS providers.

An SLA is a contract between a service provider and a customer that outlines the level of service the provider will deliver. It specifies the metrics used to measure the service level, as well as the consequences if the provider fails to meet those metrics.

In this article, we will provide a sample service level agreement for SaaS, highlighting the key elements you should consider including in your own SLA.

Key Elements of a Service Level Agreement for SaaS

1. Service Availability

The first thing you should include in your SaaS SLA is a guarantee of service availability. This metric measures the percentage of time that the service will be available to the customer. For example, you might specify that the service will be available 99.9% of the time.

2. Performance and Response Time

In addition to service availability, you should also include metrics that measure the performance of the service. This might include response time, which measures how quickly the service responds to user requests, or the average time it takes to complete certain tasks.

3. Customer Support

Another important element of any SaaS SLA is customer support. You should specify the level of support you will provide, such as 24/7 phone and email support, or a support ticket system. You should also outline the response time for support requests, such as a guarantee to respond within 24 hours.

4. Data Security

Data security is another critical element of any SaaS SLA. You should specify the security measures you will take to protect customer data, such as encryption, firewalls, and backups. You should also outline the steps you will take in the event of a security breach.

5. Service Level Credits

Finally, you should include service level credits in your SLA. These credits are a way to compensate customers for any downtime or performance issues that occur. For example, you might offer customers a credit equal to 10% of their monthly subscription fee for every hour of downtime.


In summary, a well-written SLA is essential for any SaaS provider. It ensures that customers receive the service they require and provides a clear framework for resolving any issues that may arise. By including metrics for service availability, performance, customer support, data security, and service level credits, you can create an SLA that meets the needs of your customers and helps you build long-term relationships with them.

Commerce Partnership V. Equity Contracting

Commerce Partnership vs. Equity Contracting: What You Need to Know

When it comes to business ventures, there are endless opportunities for collaboration. Two popular options are commerce partnership and equity contracting. Both allow for shared resources and profits, but they differ in their structure and legal implications. Here’s what you need to know before choosing which is right for your business:

Commerce Partnership

In a commerce partnership, two or more businesses come together to sell a product or service. Each partner contributes their own resources, such as marketing, production, and distribution. In return, they share in the profits based on their agreed-upon percentage. This model is common in retail, where businesses team up to sell complementary products. For example, a clothing store might partner with a jewelry store to offer matching accessories.

Commerce partnerships typically involve a legal agreement that outlines the terms of the partnership, including the responsibilities of each partner, the percentage of profits to be shared, and the duration of the partnership. However, there is usually no exchange of ownership or control between partners, and each business retains its own brand and identity.


– Allows businesses to expand their offerings without taking on additional risk

– Provides access to new markets and customers

– Can lead to increased revenue and profitability


– Partnerships can be complex and require careful planning and communication

– Partners remain separate entities, which can create challenges when making joint decisions or resolving conflicts

– Requires a high degree of trust and compatibility between partners

Equity Contracting

In an equity contract, one business invests in another in exchange for a percentage of ownership. This model is commonly used when a business is just starting out and needs funding to grow. The investor provides capital for the business in exchange for equity, which can be in the form of stocks, shares, or ownership in the company.

Equity contracting involves a legal agreement that outlines the details of the investment, including the percentage of ownership, the rights and responsibilities of the investor, and the expected return on investment. The investor usually has some level of control over the business, such as a seat on the board of directors or the ability to make major decisions.


– Provides upfront funding for a business without the need for debt or loans

– Investors bring valuable expertise and resources to the business

– Can lead to significant growth and profitability for both parties


– Can be a complicated and time-consuming process to negotiate and set up

– Investors may have conflicting goals or priorities with the business owner, leading to potential conflicts

– The business owner may lose some control over their business decisions and operations

Which one is right for you?

Both commerce partnerships and equity contracting can be effective ways to collaborate and grow your business. The best option for you depends on your goals, resources, and level of risk tolerance. If you’re looking to expand your offerings or reach new customers, a commerce partnership may be the way to go. If you need funding to start or scale your business, an equity contract may provide the necessary capital and expertise. Whatever you choose, be sure to consult with legal and financial professionals to ensure you’re making the best decision for your business.

Melbourne Polytechnic Enterprise Agreement

Melbourne Polytechnic Enterprise Agreement: Understanding the Latest Developments

The Melbourne Polytechnic Enterprise Agreement is a crucial document that outlines the working conditions and benefits for the staff working at Melbourne Polytechnic. It is negotiated between the employer, employees, and their union representatives to establish the terms of employment in a fair and equitable manner.

Recently, the Melbourne Polytechnic Enterprise Agreement has undergone some changes that will have an impact on the employment conditions of staff. As a professional, it is important to understand these developments to provide accurate and informative content to our readers.

Here are some of the key changes in the recent Melbourne Polytechnic Enterprise Agreement:

1. 2% Salary Increase

One of the most significant changes in the new enterprise agreement is the 2% salary increase for staff. This increase is spread over a 2-year period, with 1% increase taking effect from 1 January 2021 and another 1% increase from 1 January 2022.

This salary increase is in line with the current inflation rate and will help to ensure that staff at Melbourne Polytechnic are fairly remunerated for their work.

2. Professional Development Leave

The new Enterprise Agreement includes provisions for Professional Development Leave, which will allow staff to take up to 5 days of paid leave to undertake professional development activities. This will help staff to improve their skills and knowledge, which will ultimately benefit the students at Melbourne Polytechnic.

3. Flexible Working Arrangements

The Enterprise Agreement also includes provisions for staff to apply for flexible working arrangements, such as part-time work, job sharing, and telecommuting. This will allow staff to balance their work and personal commitments, which will promote better work-life balance.

4. Better Leave Entitlements

The new Enterprise Agreement also includes better leave entitlements for staff. This includes an increase in the number of days of paid parental leave, an increase in the amount of paid leave for family violence, and an increase in paid bereavement leave.

These improvements in leave entitlements will help staff to deal with personal challenges and will ensure that they are not unduly penalized for unforeseen circumstances.

5. Health and Safety

The Enterprise Agreement also includes provisions to ensure the health and safety of staff. This includes the establishment of a Health and Safety Committee, which will help to identify and manage workplace risks, as well as providing training and support for staff.


The Melbourne Polytechnic Enterprise Agreement is an important document that outlines the terms of employment for staff at Melbourne Polytechnic. The recent changes in the Enterprise Agreement, including a 2% salary increase, professional development leave, better leave entitlements, flexible working arrangements, and improved health and safety provisions, will help to ensure that staff are fairly remunerated and supported in their work.

As a professional, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in employment law and enterprise agreements to provide accurate and informative content for our readers.