What Is Model Concession Agreement

Model Concession Agreement: An Overview

A model concession agreement refers to a document that lays out the terms and conditions for the concession of a project to a concessionaire. A concession is a type of contract that allows a private company to operate a public facility or service for a specified period. Typically, a model concession agreement sets out the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved, the scope of the project, and the duration of the concession.

Uses of the Model Concession Agreement

The model concession agreement is used by governments to outline the rules and regulations for private companies that want to take over the operation of a public facility or service. In most cases, the private company will invest its resources to improve the facility or service in exchange for the right to collect revenue from users.

The model concession agreement is also used by lenders to secure their investment in a particular project. Banks and other financial institutions require a concession agreement to ensure that the project will provide a reliable source of income that can be used to pay back loans or other forms of financing.

Advantages of a Model Concession Agreement

The use of a model concession agreement provides several benefits to both public and private entities. The document helps to promote transparency and accountability by ensuring that all parties involved understand their roles and responsibilities. This way, everyone involved knows what is expected of them, and there are no surprises or misunderstandings.

Additionally, the model concession agreement encourages private investment in public services and facilities, which can lead to improved efficiency, quality, and standards. Private companies that operate under a concession agreement are incentivized to optimize their operations to generate revenue and profits. As a result, the facility or service may benefit from upgrades, technology improvements, and innovation.


The model concession agreement is a vital document that outlines the terms and conditions for the concession of a project to a private company. The document is essential for promoting transparency, accountability, and private investment in public services and facilities. When used correctly, a model concession agreement can help to improve the quality and efficiency of public services and facilities, ultimately resulting in better outcomes for everyone involved.